Exploring Epoch: Your Research Companion in Transkribus

At a Glance: Epoch Plan Features and Support

The Epoch plan is a solid foundation for those embarking on research projects in Transkribus. It provides a conducive environment for smaller teams with a modEpochte number of user seats, coupled with a significant storage capacity and a substantial monthly credit allocation. This plan is especially tailored for research endeavors, ensuring you have the essential resources to kickstart your transcription journey. With the Epoch plan, explore the realm of historical understanding in a structured and supportive setting, enabling a focused approach to your research objectives.

Your benefits

Tailored Onboarding

Dedicated Account Manager

Exclusive Webinars & Material

Premium support

Epoch Plan at Transkribus: Dedicated Account Management and Direct Support Access

Your Dedicated Account Manager (DAM)

In the Epoch plan, you are assigned a Dedicated Account Manager who serves as your strategic guide. This expert is your primary point of contact, offering insights and advice to align Transkribus with your organizational objectives. They are committed to helping you plan effectively, utilize best practices, and levEpochge our technology to meet your specific needs.

Direct Access to Our Customer Success Team

Alongside your DAM, you have direct access to our Customer Success team through a dedicated support email. This channel ensures prompt and efficient resolution of technical queries, providing the assistance you need, when you need it.

With the Epoch plan, enjoy a blend of personalized strategic guidance and direct technical support, crafted to enhance your experience with Transkribus.

Your journey to unlock history - Overview

Step 1: Expert Onboarding

Initiate your journey with a 1-hour introduction.

Step 2: Unleash Your Potential

Drive your own discovery, utilizing Transkribus to navigate, decode, and revolutionize your approach to historical materials.

Step 3: Strategic Check-ins

Quarterly meetings focus on your success, ensuring consistent progress and strategic advantage.

Step 1: Onboarding with our experts

Transkribus Onboarding (1 hour)

Embark on your Transkribus journey with a comprehensive onboarding session. Over the course of an hour, familiarize yourself with the platform's capabilities, from basic functionalities to navigating the user interface. This session ensures a smooth start on your transcription journey with the Epoch plan, setting a solid foundation for your upcoming tasks in Transkribus.

Step 2: Now it's your turn

Start Unlocking with Transkribus

Begin your transcription journey with Transkribus, unlocking the potential of digital documentation. Embark on this adventure at app.transkribus.eu, your gateway to excellence in transcription. Step into the world where historical texts transform into digital treasures.

Dedicated Support Channel

As part of our premium support, reach out to us at epoch@transkribus.org for direct assistance from our Customer Success team. Our dedicated support channel ensures your inquiries receive prompt and specialized attention.

Strategic Help from Our DAM

Leverage the expertise of our Dedicated Account Manager (DAM) for strategic guidance tailored to your organization's transcription needs. Our DAM is committed to aligning Transkribus with your specific goals, providing you with personalized strategic support.

Exclusive Webinars & Material

Gain access to exclusive material and webinars designed for organization plan owners. Enhance your use of Transkribus and onboard other users from your institution with these resources. Participate in periodic webinars to learn from best practices and advanced usage of Transkribus.

Step 3: Staying in touch

Regular Quarterly Check-ins

Engage in meaningful collaboration with our dedicated quarterly check-ins. Each session, lasting an hour every three months, focuses on your project’s progress, addresses challenges, and plans for the future. These check-ins are essential to ensure your ongoing success and adaptation in the evolving field of digital transcription.

Quarterly Q&A Session for Epoch Plan

The Epoch plan includes an exclusive 30-minute Q&A session each quarter, complementing the regular check-ins. This session offers a focused opportunity for you to engage with our experts, ask specific questions, and receive tailored advice to enhance your use of Transkribus. It’s a valuable time to gain insights and ensure you are fully leveraging the capabilities of our platform.

Unlock history with Transkribus

Uncover the treasures of our cultural heritage